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Northern Neck Audubon Society Meeting in Lancaster County

Monday, March 4th is the monthly chapter meeting of the Northern Neck Audubon Society. We meet at 3:15 to socialize and snack, and at 3:30, business and program are undertaken. (IF you have any interest in joining the Board as a Director, there is always an open invitation to our board meeting which precedes our program. The Board meeting adjourns at 1:30.)

Our March program features Jon Bachman, Public Events Director for Stratford Hall. Jon will demonstrate how cooperation between entities (in this case, Stratford and The​Virginia Bluebird Society) create a situation where the effect is greater than the sum of the parts.​

When he first took up his position, some ten years ago, the Hall’s boxes had fallen into neglect and the ensuing disrepair. The Virginia Bluebird Society came to his attention; and two of its Fredericksburg members, Carl and Ann Little, set about a rigorous rehabilitation of nest sites. Over the intervening years, they have achieved a thriving habitat of some 38 boxes. Teams of volunteers, including John and Pam Narney of the Northern Neck, coupled with NNAS funding support, have assured that “There’ll be bluebirds over, ....Westmoreland County...just you wait and see!"

All are welcome to join us, you don't need to be a member, and there is no charge. You just need to be interested in birds and/or things that relate to them. 


The location is The Lancaster Public Library in Kilmarnock, 16 Town Center Dr.