Grant Requests

The Northern Neck Chapter of the National Audubon Society (NNAS) makes a limited number of grants to organizations that support our mission. Our mission is to educate people of all ages about nature, focusing on birds, and to preserve wildlife and its habitat to pass on to future generations. We have been working diligently for more than 25 years to provide educational opportunities, promote biodiversity, and preserve native species in Virginia’s Northern Neck.

At the April, 2013 Board of Directors meeting, policy was adopted regarding the timelines for approval of grant requests. There will be two deadlines each calendar year for grant requests. These would be February 1 and September 1. This is effective as of September 1, 2013. Grant requests received by these dates will be considered at the next month’s Board meeting with approved grant funding disbursal following as quickly as possible.

Maximum amount for each grant will be $5,000 per calendar year. Larger grants may be awarded on an exception basis with approval from GRC (Grant Review Committee) and NNAS Board. 

For more information, see the NNAS Grant Request Guideline.pdf and the Audubon Grant_Application_Form.pdf.