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Audubon Society Christmas Bird Count – History & Your Participation

The Northern Neck Chapter of the National Audubon Society is offering a virtual presentation on Monday, Nov. 1, at 7 pm via Zoom.  The speaker will be Kevin Howe, President of the Northern Neck Chapter of Audubon, and a birder and biologist for more than 50 years. The Presentation is titled “Audubon Society Christmas Bird Count – History & Your Participation”. 

This Count is the longest continually running citizen science project in North America. This year will be its 121st year. It is held on a single day between mid-December to early January and is a public endeavor, and anyone can participate. The presentation will include history, research results and how amateur or expert bird watchers can take part at home or close by.  

We hope to get people jazzed up to participate in the count and contribute to our understanding of the status of our birds. Studies have indicated about 20% of all Americans call themselves bird watchers and perhaps we can add some new people to this nature hobby.  Our Northumberland-Lancaster Christmas Bird Count will be held on Tuesday, December 14 this year.

To participate, please register or learn more, please email

The Northern Neck Chapter of the National Audubon Society is the oldest of the six Audubon Chapters in Virginia dating back to 1970. In a typical year, the Chapter sponsors bird walks twice a month and public programs once a month.  Last year was and this year appears to continue to be anything but typical and we all hope, that real “typical” will return soon. In the meantime, feed, and enjoy watch the birds on your own property and beyond.      

Later Event: April 4
NNAS Public Meeting