Bird Walk at Joe's House

Brown Headed Nuthatch by Joe Cooney

The next bird walk scheduled on April 8, 2019 is at my house at 655 Mosquito Beach Lane, White Stone.  It will officially start at 0900 hours.  If you would like to show up a little early, say after 0800 hours, Catherine and I would be willing to entertain you with snacks and coffee.  We have limited seating 7 chairs total (an old love seat, chair and 4 chairs around the table).  I will work on obtaining a few more.  I love quiet mornings watching the birds arrive for it is always a great way to start the day.

The walk itself will start from the house, walking out to the water and look out to Mosquito Creek.  It is still wet there, so shoe consideration is a bonus.  Currently there are Lesser Scaup and Bufflehead hanging out.  Surf Scoters, Long Tail and Ruddy Ducks have also been observed.  A good heeping of Osprey's sprinkled with a few Eagles.

We will then walk towards the point along the road, there is a marsh area to observe, and some treed area as well.  Then we will turn around and head to the beach on the Rappahannock River side.  After the beach we will walk back along the road to Mosquito Point Road.  Up the hill it changes to pines and then to a mixed forested land beyond the houses. Returning to my house to conclude the bird walk we will again look out into Mosquito Creek to see if anything else has appeared.  The whole walk should be less than 2 miles in length with a small uphill section.    I would venture to say, we should encounter 25 to 30 species and maybe more.

Some of what I would expect to see are the ever present Cardinals, Northern Mockingbirds, Brown Thrasher, Eastern Towhee, Brown Headed Nuthatches, Carolina Chickadees and Wrens.  Fair number of Sparrows, mostly White Throat and Song Sparrow although they will be leaving shortly.  The Chipping Sparrows have arrived and the Swamp Sparrow was still here as of yesterday.  Hopefully we will catch a glimpse of the occasional Cooper's Hawk who has made frequent appearances as of late. 

Looking forward to seeing you all on the first of the month at the meeting and again a week later at my house for a bird walk.