The morning was crisp and bright with light winds and moderate temperatures. Approximately fifteen people showed up Saturday morning for the bird walk at Hughlett Point NAP.
On Saturday, November 25, the Northern Neck Audubon Society conducted a bird walk at Windmill Point led by Jeff Wright. Windmill Point is in the easternmost part of Lancaster County and juts out into the Chesapeake Bay at the mouth of the Rappahannock River. The weather was sunny, 44- 54 degrees F with a gentle moderate wind and good visibility. The walk began at 9 a.m. on Windmill Point Beach. The group of 17 walked 1.2 miles along the shoreline of the beach, down Windmill Point Road to the bridge and along the water at Windmill Point Marina.
There was a Northern Neck Audubon bird walk on Monday, November 13, between 9:00 am and 1 pm at Kendale Farm in Essex County. It was led by Jeff Wright and the Wellfords. This is a beautiful farm with meadows, fields, woods, salt and fresh water marshes with frontage on Occupacia Creek and the Rappahannock River directly opposite Fones Cliffs.
On Saturday, October 21, the Northern Neck Audubon Society (NNAS) conducted a bird walk at 9:00 a.m. at Hughlett Point Natural Area Preserve led by Melissa Gross. The habitats seen included coastal forest, tidal and non-tidal wetlands, salt marsh, and sandy beach habitats. The weather was sunny, calm and about 75 F.