The Northern Neck Audubon Society will hold its next monthly meeting on Monday, March 5 at the Lancaster County Library in Kilmarnock (GPS: 16 Town Centre Drive, Kilmarnock). Join us for refreshments and socializing at 3:15, followed at 3:30 for a program on “99 Reasons to be Fascinated by Birds” presented by Arlington-based writer William Young.
Mr. Young has traveled to all seven continents to study birds and natural history. His book The Fascination of Birds: From the Albatross to the Yellowthroat (Dover, 2014) explores the connections between birds and a broad range of subjects, such as biology, ecology, literature, music, history, politics, economics, religion, geography, physics, chemistry, linguistics, the visual arts, the performing arts, sports, and comedy. The book is intended to help beginners to better understand the birds they see and the bird references they encounter, and it might help experienced birders to learn more about many ornithological and non-ornithological aspects of birds.
He also makes bird and natural history videos, and his YouTube channel has had more than 160,000 views. His latest venture is the production of a website about the nature to be found in Monticello Park in Alexandria Virginia. The website, produced in partnership with Ashley Bradford, contains more than 120 bird summaries, daily checklists for April and May, natural history essays, natural history resources in a dozen categories, and other items.
Copies of his book will be available for sale after the talk.