All, this is a heads up that the 4th Annual Northumberland-Lancaster Christmas Bird Count is on Tuesday 17 Dec 2019.
As in the past we will have a "social and warming” opportunity in the early afternoon.
In both 2017 and 2018 we recorded over 100 species of birds on the count. This can be attributed to many factors to include cooperative birds, weather, access to the best habitats, etc. But I also attribute the results to having good teams and sector leaders in the field to cover each sector. Last year 38 of us were in the field participating in the count.
We like to make this a fun event and welcome bird enthusiasts of all skill levels. Yes, novices are very welcome to participate.
This is also the fourth year in a row where the Northern Neck Audubon Society has been the sponsor of the Northumberland-Lancaster Christmas Bird Count.
Please contact Jeff Wright for more information and to sign up for the count.